Les grands écrivains du Canada : Les lauréats des Prix littéraires du GG

Papier : 79,95 $

ISBN : 9780776628035

Code Prologue : A089979

For over three-quarters of a century, the Governor General's Literary Awards have been awarded annually in a variety of evolving categories. Fifteen Governors General have served as their patron. The impressive list continues to grow apace: between 1936 and 2018, the awards recognized 719 books in English and French and have been presented to 580 authors, illustrators, and translators. This beautifully illustrated bilingual compendium presents the biographies of all 580 award laureates, many accompanied by stunning archival portraits. This is the final instalment in Andrew Irvine's remarkable and comprehensive research into what has become a touchstone of Canada's literary culture. Together with Canada's Best and The Governor General's Literary Awards of Canada: A Bibliography, this work provides readers with a definitive overview of this literary prize. By itself, Canada's Storytellers is an invaluable reading companion for anyone wanting to be introduced to many of our most influential authors, illustrators, and translators working in both French and English over the past decades. It belongs on the shelf of every enthusiast of Canadian literature.

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Titre : Les grands écrivains du Canada : Les lauréats des Prix littéraires du GG
Éditeur :
Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa - livre canadien
Collection : Hors-collection
Catégorie : Essais et critiques
Langue : Français/Anglais
Type : Rigide
Statut : Disponible
Nombre de pages : 682
Date de publication : 2021/04/30
ISBN : 9780776628035
Code Prologue : A089979
Code à barres : 9780776628035
Prix papier : 79,95 $