
Papier : 48,95 $

ISBN : 9782915635911

Code Prologue : A027882

When Philippe Boxis uncoils the first of his ropes, the model has already begun to surrender to his creativity, with her senses awakening. The smell, the sound of the rope as it slips around her body, the feeling of rope over her skin, these sensations thrill her to the utmost. His fingers flutter around, the gestures soft - but the intentions is firm. There seems to be nothing else around the couple ; everyone in the audience holds his breath... Nothing but this nude, gorgeous woman - and this man who transforms her into a goddess..

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Titre : Shibari
Éditeur :
Tabou - livre européen
Auteur : Boxis, Philippe
Collection : Tabou guides
Catégorie : Adulte
Langue : Français
Type : Rigide
Statut : Disponible
Nombre de pages : 207
Date de publication : 2014/08/26
ISBN : 9782915635911
Code Prologue : A027882
Code à barres : 9782915635911
Prix papier : 48,95 $