The physics of language in Roderick Random

Papier : 31,95 $

ISBN : 9782130578376

Code Prologue : A118626

The physics of language Roderick Random . Roderick Random goes from rags to riches in a series of unexpected events. He travels from Scotland to London, becomes a surgeon on board a war ship, takes part in the most violent battles of the 1740s, visits Bath and discovers the London underworlds. He is, thus, constantly in motion. As he moves from a social level to another, he encounters more than a hundred other funny characters, odd caricatures which compose altogether a scathing satire of Smollett's contemporary society.. Roderick Random is a provocative novel. It plays with the political, economic and moral ideas of the time, and portrays die abuse of institutional authority. It overturns classical representations of the body, and explores the general instability of identities. This book offers an interpretation of the novel in its eighteenth-century context, giving the necessary historical background information to help a twenty-first century reader. It also features a great number of close-readings, scanning the poetics of Smollett's prose in which language is both a tool and a pleasurable end..

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Titre : The physics of language in Roderick Random
Éditeur :
Belin Education - livre européen
Auteur : Vasset, Sophie
Collection : CNED
Langue : Français
Type : Souple
Statut : Epuisé
Nombre de pages : 208
Date de publication : 2010/01/13
ISBN : 9782130578376
Code Prologue : A118626
Code à barres : 9782130578376
Prix papier : 31,95 $