Le travail humain - Volume 84 n° 1 - mars 2021

Papier : 43,95 $

ISBN : 9782130828143

Code Prologue : A124917

Le travail humain is a multi-disciplinary scientific Journal which publishes original papers in French or English, relevant to the study of work activity and more particularly to the following areas : ergonomic physiology and ergonomic psycho-physiology (including neurosciences, anthropometry and biomechanics), ergonomic psychology (including approaches to individual differences), training (from the study of learning mechanisms to the management of training and the study of professional qualifications), psycho-sociology of work and organizations, safety and human reliability, psycho-pathology of work, ergonomics and methodology. The Journal also publishes special issues. No restrictions are placed on theoretical perspective but all papers should present of refer to data substantiating interpretation. Manuscripts in accordance with the « Instructions for authors » are for-warded to at least two referees for evaluation. Suggestions for improvement may be sent to the author. .

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Titre : Le travail humain - Volume 84 n° 1 - mars 2021
Éditeur :
PUF - livre européen
Auteur : Collectif
Collection : Hors-collection
Langue : Français
Type : Souple
Statut : Disponible
Nombre de pages : 120
Date de publication : 2021/03/24
ISBN : 9782130828143
Code Prologue : A124917
Code à barres : 9782130828143
Prix papier : 43,95 $