The thread of history 30 : The Eiffel Tower - An iron giant

Papier : 11,95 $

ISBN : 9782390340812

Code Prologue : A127286

To impress the world at the 1889 World's fair, the company of engineer Gustave Eiffel proposed a crazy project : to build a 300-meter tower that would be the highest ever built in history. Admired as much as contested at the time of its birth, it has become an essential symbol of Paris and France..

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Titre : The thread of history 30 : The Eiffel Tower - An iron giant
Éditeur :
Dupuis - livre européen
Auteur : Erre, Fabrice
Illustrateur : Savoia, Sylvain
Collection : Fil de l'Histoire Le
Langue : Anglais
Type : Rigide
Statut : Manquant
Nombre de pages : 48
Date de publication : 2023/02/10
ISBN : 9782390340812
Code Prologue : A127286
Code à barres : 9782390340812
Prix papier : 11,95 $