Till victory - The Second World War By Those Who Were There

Papier : 73,95 $

ISBN : 9782737388774

Code Prologue : A129262

Till victory . The Second World War By those who were there . From the mountains of Italy to the beaches of Normandy, and from the deserts of North Africa to the ruined German cities, experience the history of the Second World War in Western Europe from 1939-1945 in an entirely different way.. Through their unpublished letters and diaries, follow the journeys of more than fifty Allied soldiers (American, British. French, Canadian...) as they liberate the old continent from Nazi rule, sometimes at the cost of their own lives. Arranged in chronological order and placed in historical context, their stories and letters are illustrated with many personal photographs, war memorabilia and original uniforms.. Having miraculously escaped wartime censorship, these new first-hand testimonies are transcribed as is, whether they come from an elite soldier, a combat medic or a USO dancer.. These poignant writings, completed in the mud of the European battlefields, reveal the hopes, doubts and fears of these young people sent to hell, making Till victory first and foremost a book about Peace..

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Titre : Till victory - The Second World War By Those Who Were There
Éditeur :
Ouest France - livre européen
Langue : Français
Type : Souple
Statut : Manquant
Nombre de pages : 376
Date de publication : 2023/05/05
ISBN : 9782737388774
Code Prologue : A129262
Code à barres : 9782737388774
Prix papier : 73,95 $