ADHD as Told to Children

Papier : 19,95 $

ISBN : 9782897920661

Code Prologue : A132957

Leo is nine years old when he's diagnosed with ADHD. "I have WHAT?" he asks himself, somewhat confused. How to answer that question? There's nothing better than an illustrated story to explain to children the different aspects of ADHD. Does your child behave like a werecat? Or perhaps more like a little turtle? Or maybe your child buzzes around like a hyper-energized bee? Explore this aspect together in the "self-observation" section of this colourful and pleasing little book. To help overcome the difficulties associated with ADHD, the book gives tricks that are applicable to daily life: staying focused, becoming organized, planning, calming yourself, and mastering your emotions. This book is essential for parents and childcare professionals who wish to broach this condition with children, providing a simple and illustrated method. Understanding ADHD – it's not that hard!.

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Titre : ADHD as Told to Children
Éditeur :
DE MORTAGNE - livre canadien
Auteur : Hébert, Ariane
Illustrateur : Morin, Jean
Collection : Boîte à outils
Langue : Anglais
Type : Souple
Statut : Disponible
Nombre de pages : 56
Date de publication : 2023/10/10
ISBN : 9782897920661
Code Prologue : A132957
Code à barres : 9782897920661
Prix papier : 19,95 $