Le lionceau : Le Canada et la Grande Guerre/The Lion's cub : Canada and the great war

Papier : 14,95 $

ISBN : 9780776631325

Code Prologue : A090613

In The Lion's Cub, her 2018 Symons Medal address, eminent Canadian historian Margaret MacMillan examines the impact of the First War World on Canadian Confederation. With her characteristic flair and gift for telling detail, Margaret MacMillan shows the paradox of Canada's experience in the First World War. On the one hand, the Great War, as it was originally known, brought Canada closer to nationhood and gave many Canadians a greater sense of identity. On the other hand, the Great War also marked a time when Confederation was shaken and very nearly came apart. Its divisive impact continued to be felt throughout the twentieth century. And can still be felt today, in Canada's national political life, and in the relationship between Quebec and the rest of the country. Yet Canada survived, and continues to survive. And Margaret MacMillan concludes that this is the great strength of Confederation. The Lion's Cub suggests Canada's endurance should be recognized for the achievement it is. In a world where political boundaries are often as artificial as Canada's, the ability of our «improbable country» to survive and prosper may be an example of hope for a wider world. The Symons Medal is one of Canada's most prestigious honours. It is presented annually by the Confederation Centre of the Arts to honour persons who have made an exceptional contribution to Canadian life.

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Titre : Le lionceau : Le Canada et la Grande Guerre/The Lion's cub : Canada and the great war
Éditeur :
Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa - livre canadien
Catégorie : Histoire
Langue : Français/Anglais
Type : Souple
Statut : Disponible
Nombre de pages : 148
Date de publication : 2019/11/26
ISBN : 9780776631325
Code Prologue : A090613
Code à barres : 9780776631325
Prix papier : 14,95 $