Disease Interrupted, tobacco reduction ans cessation

Papier : 40,00 $

ISBN : 9782763719894

Code Prologue : A029865

Most tobacco users know the power of addiction and want to quit. Evidence tells a vivid and chilling story of the dire and urgent need to support cessation. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death and disease globally, and it contributes to 6 of the 8 leading non-communicable diseases. Tobacco use may also induce the disease of nicotine addiction. Disease Interrupted offers a synthesis of cutting edge empirical evidence for tobacco reduction and cessation. Treatment can save lives, improve quality of life, and reduce the excess healthcare burden of tobacco on society. In this volume, 50 experts from 6 continents explore the field of tobacco reduction and cessation. This resource features the Summary Statements of Canada's first national smoking cessation Clinical Practice Guidelines.

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Titre : Disease Interrupted, tobacco reduction ans cessation
Éditeur :
Presses de l'Université Laval - livre canadien
Auteur : Collectif
Collection : Hors-collection
Langue : Anglais
Type : Souple
Statut : Epuisé
Nombre de pages : 393
Date de publication : 2014/03/12
ISBN : 9782763719894
Code Prologue : A029865
Code à barres : 9782763719894
Prix papier : 40,00 $