Authentic Brussels

Papier : 32,95 $

ISBN : 9782804706555

Code Prologue : A026239

Authentic Brussels . You might think you know Brussels : after all, it's the capital of Europe and a magnet for tourists, who flock to it in their millions to enjoy its great food, stunning Art Nouveau architecture and impressive range of attractions. But there's so much more to the city than the usual tourist haunts, and even people who've lived there for years might be surprised to discover the upscale restaurant at the top of the Atomium, the classic Belgian brasserie nestled next to the Grand Place and the urban adventures to be had in the up-and-coming canal neighbourhood.. Get ready to step off the beaten track and immerse yourself in the real Brussels - these are the spots that only those in the know can tell you about. This guide's got it all, from quirky cocktail bars to edgy art installations to secluded parks, with dozens of great addresses you'll definitely want to tell your friends about. We've done the hard work for you, bringing together all these hidden gems and showcasing the lesser-known venues that make up the Brussels that its residents know and love..

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Par : Capron, Alexandre

Titre : Authentic Brussels
Éditeur :
Mardaga - livre européen
Collection : Lifestyle
Langue : Français
Type : Souple
Statut : Manquant temporairement
Nombre de pages : 224
Date de publication : 2018/09/13
ISBN : 9782804706555
Code Prologue : A026239
Code à barres : 9782804706555
Prix papier : 32,95 $